The Philadelphia Writing Project supports and encourages site-wide as well as individual publications of practitioner research, educator reflections, and collaborative work in our schools.
PhilWP Update
The PhilWP Update provides news and current information for local teachers and partners. Sign up for the PhilWP Update.
Research and Publications by PhilWP Members
PhilWP Journal
The PhilWP Journal, written by PhilWP teacher consultants, was developed as a resource to (1) share promising practices among teacher consultants, (2) publish probing reflections from teacher consultants regarding teaching and learning, and (3) showcase for a wider audience the wealth of experiences and ideas that constitute the network.
PhilWP Journal Archive
- Summers 2015/2016
- Summer 2014
- Fall / Winter 2013
- Spring / Summer 2013
- Fall / Winter 2012
- Spring / Summer 2011
- Fall / Winter 2011
Other Publications
Shirley P. Brown: Gender in Urban Education: Strategies for Student Achievement (co-authored with Alice E. Ginsberg and Joan Poliner Shapiro)
Shirley P. Brown: Lighting Fires (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Vanessa Brown: Human Agency, Social Action, and Classroom Practices (In Going Public with Our Teaching: An Anthology of Practice, Eds. Dilruba Ahmed, Thomas Hatch, Ann Lieberman, Deborah Faigenbaum, & Melissa Eiler White)
Vanessa Brown: Human Agency, Social Action and Classroom Practices: What happens when teachers move over to allow students to pave their own path towards enacting change?
Judy Buchanan: Listening to the Voices (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and KnowledgeEds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Amelia Coleman: Teaching Within and Beyond the Mandated Curriculum in a Fifth Grade Language Arts Classroom
Dr. George Cross III: Coolposing: Secrets of Black Male Leadership in America
Mattie Davis: Building a Community of Writers in a First Grade Classroom
Deidre R. Farmbry: The Warriors, the Worrier, and the Word (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Dr. Bob Fecho: “Is this English?”: Race, Language, and Culture in the Classroom
Dr. Bob Fecho: No Deposit, No Return: Enriching Literacy Teaching and Learning Through Critical Inquiry Pedagogy (co-authored with Eurydice Bouchereau Bauer, Michelle Commeyras, Sharon Dowling Cox, Bren Daniell, Ellen Elrick, Jill Hermann-Wilmarth, Elizabeth Hogan, Andrea Pintaone-Hernandez, Kathy Roulston, Amanda Siegel, Hope Vaughn Jennifer Aaron)
Dr. Bob Fecho: Cityscapes: Eight Views from the Urban Classroom (co-authored with Howard Banford, Myron Berkman, Carole Chin, Christine Cziko)
Dr. Bob Fecho: Reading as a Teacher (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge,Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Mickey Harris: Looking Back: 20 Years of a Techer’s Journal (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Teri Hines, Bruce Bowers & Vanessa Brown: The Philadelphia Writing Project’s Leadership Inquiry Seminar: Continuity Linked to Site Mission and Local Context
Rhoda Drucker Kanevsky: Descriptive Review of a Child: A Way of Knowing About Teaching and Learning (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Dr. Susan Lytle: Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation (co-authored with Marilyn Cochran-Smith)
Dr. Susan Lytle: Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge (co-authored with Marilyn Cochran-Smith)
Gillian Maimon: Practitioner Inquiry as Mediated Emotion (in Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation, Eds. M. Cochran-Smith & S.L. Lytle)
Gillian Maimon: Creating Structures that Facilitate Independence in a First Grade Classroom
Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus: Beyond “Wiggle Room”: Creating spaces for authentic learning in a twelfth-grade English class. (In Learning from the Student’s Perspective: A Sourcebook for Effective Teaching, Ed. Alison Cook-Sather)
Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus: Following the Paper Trail (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus: Learning from Laramie: Urban High School Students Read, Research, and Reenact The Laramie Project (In Going Public with Our Teaching: An Anthology of Practice, Eds. Dilruba Ahmed, Thomas Hatch, Ann Lieberman, Deborah Faigenbaum, & Melissa Eiler White)
Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus: Playing with the Possible: Teaching, Learning, and Drama on the Second Stage
Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus: Double Double, Toil and Trouble: Engaging Urban High School Students in the Study of Shakespeare
Dr. Diane Waff: On Teacher Inquiry:Approaches to Language and Literacy (co-authored with Dixie Goswami, Ceci Lewis, & Marty Rutherford)
Dr. Diane Waff: Reconceptualizing the literacies in adolescents’ lives (co-edited with Donna Alvermann, Kathleen Hinchman, David Moore, Stephen Phelps)
Dr. Diane Waff: An Insider Voice: Leading as a teacher (in Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation, Eds. M. Cochran-Smith & S.L. Lytle)
Dr. Diane Waff & Suzann Ordile: Creating Space for Diverse Perspectives and Student Learning: An Illustrated Case of an Inquiry into a High School English Classroom
Lynne Yermanock Strieb: Inviting Families into the Classroom: Learning from a Life in Teaching
Deborah Jumpp & Lynne Yermanock Strieb: Journals for Collaboration, Curriculum, and Assessment (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)
Lynne Yermanock Strieb: Visiting and Revisiting the Trees (In Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge, Eds. Marilyn Cochran-Smith & Susan L. Lytle)